2022 International Symposium on Rapeseed Genomic Breeding
June 23-24, 2022, Wuhan, China
Important dates
- Registeration deadline: 15 June 2022
- Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2022
- Meeting date: 23-24 June 2022
- Acceptance notice: 20-30 days after submission
The meeting will be held from 23 to 24 June 2022 in Wuhan in the early summer. During late June, the weather will be quite sunny and warm. The average temperature in June is 31℃/87.8°F during the day and 23℃/73.4°F at night. Wuhan is located in central China and is a very beautiful and energetic city with the Yangtze River crossing the city, giving Wuhan an impressive night view by the riverside.
Contact us
National Research Center of Rapeseed Engineering and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 40070, China

Hubei International Talent Introduction Program
- RGB2022 Call for abstracts 15 March 2022
Rapeseed research in Huazhong Agricultural University
As the world population grows and climate changes, we are facing limitations and challenges on food and energy supply. Thus, innovative plant breeding is required to further boost the yield potential of crops and to meet the increasing food and non-food demand in the future. Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is an important oil crop that provides edible oil, vegetables, animal fodder, green manure, and biodiesel for life and industry worldwide, contributing significantly to global food security and economic development.
During the last decade, benefiting from the development of new technologies including high-throughput phenotyping, third-generation sequencing, genome editing, whole genomic selection, and de novo domestication, plant scientists working on rapeseed have investigated and achieved substantially in understanding the rapeseed genome and in the identification of genes regulating key agronomic characters. Novel breeding strategies such as speed breeding has been developed and are being applied to overcome the limiting factors in conventional rapeseed breeding.
This symposium aims to bring together the researchers and breeders particularly those who work on rapeseed (and -related species) from around the world to share and discuss the cutting-edge research, latest breeding practices, and future breeding perspectives.
The topics will include but are not limited to the following: (1) rapeseed genome, epigenome, and 3D-genome; (2) novel genetic diversity and genomic selection; (3) genetic control of valuable agronomic traits; (4) Brassica clubroot disease; (5) transgenesis, genome editing, and novel breeding strategies; (6) prospects on future Brassica/crop breeding.
Due to the continuing pandemic of COVID-19, international travel is still difficult. Therefore, the conference will be the combined form of virtual and physical, and open to all, with an 800 CNY registration fee for the physical participants while being free for attendees joining virtually.
We warmly invite and look forward to welcoming you to attend and participate in the meeting!
The organizing committee