Brassica juncea Information Resource

A multi-omics database with various tools for accelerating functional genomics research in Brassica juncea
e.g. BjuVA08G37910 or AT1G03630 or PORC


Genome ID Chiifu.V4.0
Species Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis
Genome Type AA
Sequencing technology PacBio; Illumina; BioNano; Hi-C
Assembly method NextDenovo v. 2.5; Racon v.1.4.3; Canu v.1.5
Date performed 2023.01
FASTA Files (Chromosomes + Scaffolds) Chiifu.V4.0.fasta.gz (10)
GFF3 Files (Predicted genes) Chiifu.V4.0.gff.gz (47,531)
CDS Files (Predicted coding sequences) Chiifu.V4.0.cds.gz (83,682)
Protein Files (Predicted protein sequences) Chiifu.V4.0.pep.gz (83,682)
Total sequence length 424,594,223
Total ungapped length --
GC content 37.59
Gaps between scaffolds --
Number of scaffolds 10
Scaffold N50 43,052,898
Scaffold L50 4
Number of contigs --
Contig N50 --
Contig L50 --
Total number of chromosomes and plasmids --
Number of component sequences (WGS or clone) --
Chromosome name Length
Zhang L. et al. A near-complete genome assembly of Brassica rapa provides new insights into the evolution of centromeres. (2023).
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